"Effectively Responding to Dementia Related Behaviors" has been RESCHEDULED to November 4, 2024 at 5PM. 

Gilford Public Library

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Gilford Public Library

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What Should I Read Next?

If you can't think of or find anything to read, take a browse through the resources listed below.  From the library's Top 10 Requests, to Staff Picks, Book Match services, and more -- these suggestions might help...

Top 10 Requested Titles

Here you'll find a list of the Top 10 most requested books at the library this week, along with the books that our library staff are reading at the moment...

Novelist - Find a Good Book

Novelist is a detailed database of books, allowing you to search by type ('incisive and witty', 'menacing and creepy', etc), by genre (Fantasy, Historical Fiction, etc), by award winning titles, and more.  You'll need your library card to sign in.

Reader's Advisory Pamphlets

Ever noticed those little pamphlets by the checkout desk?  They list our personal selection of titles by type.  You can view and print these pamphlets here...

Still Need Help? Book Match is for you!

Complete and submit our 'Book Match' form, and we'll pull together a list of titles for you based on your answers.

Booklist Reader